When Should You Replace The AC Filter

Keeping an air conditioner running at peak performance is essential to comfort and energy efficiency. One thing that can help maintain the health of your system is regularly replacing the air filter. But when do you need to change it? It can vary depending on several factors, so let’s explore the details. 

How Often? 

The frequency with which you should replace your filter depends on several factors, including whether or not you have pets, how many people live in the home, and if anyone has allergies or asthma. Generally speaking, you should change your filter every two months if there are no pets or allergies. If pets or allergies are present in the home, change them every 30 days. 

What Type of Filter Should I Use? 

Not all filters are created equal, and choosing the right one will depend on your needs. The most common filters are fibreglass, pleated paper, and washable electrostatic filters. Fibreglass will be a good option if you’re looking for something inexpensive.

However, you should replace them more frequently than other types of filters. Electrostatic filters provide better filtration but can be more expensive than other filters. Pleated paper is considered a middle ground as it offers good filtration without breaking the bank. 

Signs That You Need to Replace Your Filter 

If you think that it’s been too long since you last replaced your filter, then here are some signs that will indicate that it needs to be changed sooner rather than later:

Age of Filter 

Generally speaking, replace filters every three months. If you haven’t changed your filter in the last three months, it’s time for a new one. If you have pets or live in an area with high levels of pollution, then you may need to change your filter more often, possibly as often as once a month. It might also be wise to invest in higher-quality filters if this is the case, as they will last longer and do a better job cleaning the air in your house. 

Unusually High Energy Bills 

If you notice that your energy bills have been unusually high lately, it might be because of an old filter. Old or dirty filters make it harder for air to pass through them, which makes your heating and cooling system work harder than usual, resulting in higher energy bills! So if you see any unexplained spikes in your monthly bills, check if it’s time for a new filter before looking into other potential causes.      

Dust Build-up Around Vents 

Another sign that it’s time for a new filter is dust build-up around vents or other places where air circulates throughout your house. This dust build-up is usually caused by an old or clogged-up filter which is not doing its job properly anymore and needs replacement as soon as possible. Paying attention to these signs will help ensure that the air in your home remains clean and healthy for everyone living there!  


It’s important to stay on top of your AC filter replacement schedule because not doing so can lead to reduced energy efficiency and higher utility bills while also possibly negatively affecting indoor air quality leading to issues such as allergies and asthma flare-ups. Fortunately, with a little knowledge about what type of filter works best for your needs, plus knowing how often it should be replaced, determining when to change your AC filter isn’t a complicated task!