cost of heating home

HVAC – A Contributor in High Utility Bills

cost of heating home

We tend to disregard the fact that despite turning off our HVAC equipment, will still draw power and thus contribute to energy consumption. It may simply draw small amounts of energy but if it persists, this gradual energy problem called “vampire energy” will result in the skyrocketing of your utility bills.

You can decrease warmth and power costs by taking a good look at your home and unplugging anything that is not in use. If it is an issue for you, you can connect things to a surge electrical extension and turn them off when you’re not using it.

Higher utility costs are not the only considerations as the season changes.  If your HVAC system works too hard, it may break down. It is for this reason that we should be aware of the considerable number of changes in the conduct of our HVAC systems. The mere inconsistencies in … continue reading